Refund Policy


When I will get my refund?

  • Refunds on returns: After we deliver the returned products to our warehouse, we will inspect the returns and process the refund. Once your refund is processed, it will be refunded back to your original method of payment within 3-7 working days.
  • The shipping cost is not refundable.

Why have I still not received my refund after the return was processed?

If you haven’t received a refund yet.

  • Please be patient to wait 3-7 working days for refunds to return to your account.
  • After 3-7 working days, If you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at, We will help you check it out.

Can I return the order?

  • Yes! Our return policy lasts 15 days. You could return the order 15 days after delivery. To be eligible for a refund, the item must be returned in the condition in which it was shipped.
  • Unfortunately, if 15 days have passed after you received your item, we are unable to offer you a refund or exchange.

What’s the Return Process?

  1. We strive to make your purchase experience a delightful one. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please visit our returns center to receive a refund.
  2. Returns can be initiated by entering your order number and email address.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select the items you wish to return.
  4. Request a refund by double-checking your data and submitting a form.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email with shipping guidelines once your return request is approved. Returns will be processed using the same method of payment used to make the purchase. Exchanges will be issued as a new product and can only be done if the product is in stock.
  6. After receiving the return shipment at our warehouse, we will inspect it and initiate the refund procedure.

What is the charge for shipping a return, who will pay for that?

  • There are no charges for shipping a product back to Nofeka Uganda.

Returns are not acceptable by these conditions:

  • Package delivered after 15 days
  • Package missing original package
  • Package  damaged by improper use

What is the Return Address ?

  • After we have approved the return, we will email you the return address or call you